
jQuery Plugins

Tab Menu


Easily include tabs in your project with the responsive tabs menu.

Link in the core jQuery library and then the tabs plugin code into your html:

  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
  <script src="js/sleek-plugins.js"></script>

Call the .sleekTabs()plugin method on the id="tabs" using the jQuery selector $('#tabs') and include the script into your html code with the tabs.



You’re on the tab 1 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.

You’re on the tab 2 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.

You’re on the tab 3 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.


Copy the code below to your HTML and make sure to include the <section> tag with id="tabs". Make sure to also add a div with class="clr" after the closing </section> tag

  <section id="tabs">
      <li><a class="activetab" href="#tab1txt">Tab 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#tab2txt">Tab 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#tab3txt">Tab 3</a></li>
      <p class="activetxt" id="tab1txt">You're on the tab 1 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>
      <p id="tab2txt">You're on the tab 2 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>
      <p id="tab3txt">You're on the tab 3 overview, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>
  <div class="clr"></div>



Easily include an accordion in your project.

Link in the core jQuery library and then the accordion plugin code into your html:

  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
  <script src="js/sleek-plugins.js"></script>

Call the .sleekAccordion()plugin method on the id="accordion" using the jQuery selector $('#accordion') and include the script into the html code with the accordion.



  • + Accordion 1

    You’re on the accordion 1, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.

  • + Accordion 2

    You’re on the accordion 2, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.

  • + Accordion 3

    You’re on the accordion 3, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex. Fusce placerat sagittis neque, eget ultrices augue sollicitudin et. Nam eu cursus est. Donec sed est purus. Sed ornare accumsan fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque porttitor lacus tortor, vel accumsan lectus gravida ultricies. Pellentesque at rhoncus nulla, eu fermentum erat. Suspendisse dapibus semper tincidunt. Ut vestibulum metus nec blandit semper. Nulla consequat massa eu tortor elementum suscipit. In a mattis ante. Proin molestie, felis ut hendrerit lacinia, nunc ligula imperdiet ante, sed efficitur ipsum sem non lectus.


Copy the code below to your HTML and make sure to include the <section> tag with id="accordion".

  <section id="accordion">
        <h1><a href="#accordion-1"><span>+</span> Accordion 1</a></h1>
        <div id="accordion-1">
          <p>You're on the accordion 1, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>
        <h1><a href="#accordion-2"><span>+</span> Accordion 2</a></h1>
        <div id="accordion-2">
          <p>You're on the accordion 2, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>
        <h1><a href="#accordion-3"><span>+</span> Accordion 3</a></h1>
        <div id="accordion-3">
          <p>You're on the accordion 3, varius eu nisi sit amet, porttitor pellentesque ex.</p>

Image Slideshow


Easily include images in your project with the responsive slideshow. The navigation will automatically increase as you add more images.

Link in the core jQuery library and then add the image slider plugin code into your html:

  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
  <script src="js/sleek-plugins.js"></script>

Call the .sleekSlider()plugin method on the class="slideshow" using the jQuery selector $('.slideshow') and include the script into the HTML code with the image slider.



desert views
ocean storm
rally driver
retro television
typewrite in pieces


Copy the code below to your HTML and make sure to include the <img> tag with class="slide" which is for the starting image.

  <div class="slideshow">
    <div class="slide-navigation"></div>
      <img class="slide" src=img/desert_1600x900.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="slides">
      <img src="img/desert_1600x900.jpg" alt="">
      <img src="img/ocean_1600x900.jpg" alt="">
      <img src="img/rally_1600x900.jpg" alt="">
      <img src="img/tv_1600x900.jpg" alt="">
      <img src="img/type_1600x900.jpg" alt="">